Programs Kids & Adults
- –Beginners
- –Intermediate
- –Advanced
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Russian Classes
LMLC offers a variety of Russian classes for all levels and educational needs. Whether you’re a total novice or completely fluent, you will receive a high degree of individual attention from an expert instructor. Small group and one-on-one classes are available.
Russian as a Foreign Language
All Ages
At these classes, children will learn Russian letters and sounds and start reading and writing. The lessons will be full of exciting and age appropriate activities: reading short stories, reciting poems, solving puzzles, watching and discussing animated cartoons, and playing games.
Russian for Beginners teaches Russian from scratch to students with no prior exposure, regardless of age. Students learn the Cyrillic alphabet and begin their study of Russian vocabulary.
Russian for Bilingual Students
Grades: All
A special program is available for bilingual children growing up in households with at least one Russian-speaking parent. These kids face special challenges, and LMLC’s program sets them up for success and fluency.
Russian For Native Speakers
All Ages
Russian For Native Speakers follows the curriculum of Russian schools, including rigorous study of grammar, literature, and writing. Not going to school in Russia doesn’t have to mean missing out on Russian schooling. The goal of this course is to acquaint the kids with the Russian culture and history and to arouse their interest in further systematic studies.
The main topics of the program are:
- Russian phonetics
- Spelling
- Parts of words
- Parts of speech and their function in sentences
- Noun cases
- Verb conjugation
- Punctuation
- Complex and compound sentences
- Direct and indirect speech
Literature: poems and novels by Russian writers (Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov; Dragunsky, Nosov, Shvartz, and other classic and modern Russian writers and poets) :
At the lessons the students will
- Learn to print and write in cursive Russian
- Do grammar and spelling assignments
- Read, listen to and discuss books (poems, tales and stories by Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov; Dragunsky, Nosov, Shvartz, and other Russian writers)
- Watch and discuss animated cartoons
- Solve word puzzles
- Play age appropriate learning games
Affordable Prices
What Makes LMLC Right for you?
What can we provide for you?
• New skills
• Challenging programs for advanced students
• Homework assistance
• Grade improvement
• Test preparation
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