Computer Science
- –Summer special: Private Online Coding Classes
- –Introduction to Programming
- –Preparation for AP Computer Science
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Computer Science
Would you like your child get introduced to the Computer World, get the basic knowledge of coding and learn to write small programs in Python, Java or C++? Or does he or she need some assistance in the AP Computer Science A test preparation? Anyway, you can find the right class for your student here, at the Languages and Math Learning Center!
These classes are conducted by highly professional and experienced teachers that have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the subject. Past accolades speak loudly to the quality of our classes; since 2015, our center has been regularly winning awards
for being the Best Test Prep.
Summer special:
12 class packages
Online Private classes at $60 per hour $80 20% off
($720 – 12 classes)
1:1 Online Coding Classes
Grades: 7 – 12
Class | Learning Goals | Description |
Begin JavaScript Coding (12 classes) | You will learn how to code with JavaScript, the one of the world most popular coding languages. There is no experience necessary for this class and will be fun for everyone! This is an interactive class. Student will be amazed at what they can do with this language. | JavaScript is the programming language for the Web. JavaScript can update and change both HTML and CSS. JavaScript can calculate, manipulate and validate data. Details of the 12 class program: Session 1: Introduction to JavaScript & coding platform. Session 2: How to start coding Session 3: Variables & datatypes Session 4: Interaction with users & type conversions Session 5: Basic operators & maths/comparisons & assignments Session 6: If, else if & else condition Session 7: Logical operator & ternary operators Session 8: Loops (while & for) Session 9: Continue practicing the concepts Session 10-12: Project. The project will be done using all the concepts learned before. Each class is followed by an assignment of the topics covered in class which helps them reinforce concepts on their own during the week. |
Begin Python Coding (12 classes) | You will learn how to code with Python, the one of the world most popular coding languages. There is no experience necessary for this class and will be fun for everyone! This is an interactive class. Student will be amazed at what they can do with this language. | The program will be hands-on with assignments after each class. We will also be doing projects after covering a few topics to see all the concepts working together. Details of the 12 class program: Session 1: Introduction to Python Session 2: Python datatypes; strings; variables and expressions; rules of naming an Identifier Session 3: Python comments; arithmetic operators Session 4: Relational and logical operators Session 5: Conditional statements: If, Else and Elif statements Session 6: While loops; For loops – running statements multiple times Session 7: Using Python libraries – to access higher functionality Session 8: Functions; local and global Variables Session 9: Continue with topic Session 10-12: Project. Students will be able to apply all that was taught so far |
Begin Java Coding (12 classes) | You will learn how to code with Java, the one of the world most popular coding languages. There is no experience necessary for this class and will be fun for everyone! This is an interactive class. Student will be amazed at what they can do with this language. | The program will be hands-on with discussion on the topic, doing some examples, and asking student to apply them. We will also be doing projects after covering a few topics to see all the concepts working together. Details of the 12 class program: Session 1: Introduction to Java. Set up. About Coding. Session 2: Java datatypes; strings; variables and expressions; rules of naming an identifier Session 3: Java comments; arithmetic operators. Input – How to take information from the user for different data types Session 4: Relational and logical operators and expressions and apply them Session 5: Conditional Statements: If, Else and Elif statements Session 6: While Loops; – running statements multiple times – open ended loops Session 7: For Loops; – running statements multiple times – close ended loops Session 8: Continue with topics Session 9: Continue with topics Session 10-12: Project. Students will be able to apply all that was taught so far Each class is followed by notes of the topics covered in class. Each class is followed by an assignment of the topics covered in class. The program goes at the pace of the student to make him understand the concepts rather than rushing through the topics. |
Begin C++ Coding (12 classes) | You will learn how to code with C++, the one of the world most popular coding languages. There is no experience necessary for this class and will be fun for everyone! This is an interactive class. Student will be amazed at what they can do with this language. | This program will be hands-on with assignments after each class. With a project showcase in the end. We will also be doing projects after covering a few topics to see all the concepts working together. Details of the 12 class program: Session 1: C++ datatypes; strings; variables and expressions; rules of naming an identifier Session 2: C++ datatypes; strings; variables and expressions; rules of naming an identifier Session 3: C++ Comments; arithmetic operators Session 4: Relational and logical operators. Expressions using the operators Session 5: Conditional statements: If and Else statements Session 6: While loops – running statements multiple times Session 7: For loops – running statements multiple times Session 8: Continue with topics + project work Session 9: Continue with topic + project work Session 10-12: Project. Students will be able to apply all that was taught so far Students will be encouraged to also work on a project and submit it. We will be sharing feedback on the same. The topics covered would also depend on the student’s pace and level of knowledge. Once you complete the program, you will have a strong foundation on the basics of coding and can further continue to the next level. This language also forms a good base to progress to other languages of coding. |
Begin C Coding (12 classes) | You will learn how to code with C, the one of the world most popular coding languages. There is no experience necessary for this class and will be fun for everyone! This is an interactive class . Student will be amazed at what they can do with this language. | This program will be hands-on with assignments after each class. With a project showcase in the end. We will also be doing projects after covering a few topics to see all the concepts working together. Details of the 12 class program: Session 1: C datatypes; strings; variables and expressions; rules of naming an identifier Session 2: C datatypes; strings; variables and expressions; rules of naming an Identifier Session 3: C comments; arithmetic operators Session 4: Relational and logical operators . Expressions using the operators Session 5: Conditional statements: If and Else statements Session 6: While loops – running statements multiple times Session 7: For loops – running statements multiple times Session 8: Continue with topics + project work Session 9: Continue with topic + project work Session 10-12: Project. Students will be able to apply all that was taught so far Students will be encouraged to also work on a project and submit it. We will be sharing feedback on the same. The topics covered would also depend on the student’s pace and level of knowledge. Once you complete the program, you will have a strong foundation on the basics of coding and can further continue to the next level. This language also forms a good base to progress to other languages of coding. |
Begin AP Computer Science Java (12 classes) | You will learn how to code with Java the one of the world most popular coding languages. There is no experience necessary for this class and will be fun for everyone! This is an interactive class . Student will be amazed at what they can do with this language. | The program will be hands-on with discussion on the topic, doing some examples, and asking student to apply them. We will also be doing projects after covering a few topics to see all the concepts working together. Details of sessions though the order might change in class – Details of the 12 class program: Session 1: Set up; about coding; Java overview; Java datatypes; strings Session 2: Java datatypes; strings; variables and expressions; rules of naming an identifier Session 3: Java comments; arithmetic operators; input – how to take information from the user for different data types Session 4: Relational and logical operators and expressions and apply them Session 5: Conditional statements: If, Else and Elif statements Session 6: While loops – running statements multiple times – open ended loops Session 7: For loops – running statements multiple times – close ended loops Session 8: Continue with topics Session 9: Continue with topics Session 10-12: Project – students will be able to apply all that was taught so far Each class is followed by notes of the topics covered in class. Each class is followed by an assignment of the topics covered in class. The program goes at the pace of the student to make him understand the concepts rather than rushing through the topics. |
Introduction to Programming
Grades: 6 – 8 and 9 – 10
These classes will help students get a knack of computer science and are recommend to the middle school students (Grades: 6-8) who are planning to take Computer Science as a class in their school curriculum, or just have curiosity about computer science and want to get a solid understanding of the topic.
Conducted by trained professionals who believe in their students, the set of twelve 1.5 hour long classes will make students understand the basics of computer and also the various technologies related to Computer Science. The students will also be given basic Programming and Problem-Solving knowledge. Depending on the needs and preferences of the student, classes will incorporate exploring computing in context, understanding the requirements of programming, and developing problem-solving abilities; tasks will include understanding the basic computer softwares like MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Students will also be understanding HTML and their basic tags. Students will be made familiar to Computer Science terminology like Internet, Software, Hardware, Coding, Programming Languages, Bugs, Debugging etc.
Preparation for AP Computer Science
Grades: 10 – 12
LMLC is excited to offer highly effective one-on-one and small group AP Computer Science A classes and recommends them to all high school students. These classes will help any students who are planning to take this class at school, need help through the course, or is planning to take the AP exam by themselves. Furthermore, these classes would be very helpful for any student who has a curiosity about computer science and wants to get a solid understanding of the topic. Conducted by trained professionals that believe in their students, this course will effectively help students build their confidence in tackling problems and preparing them for the exam. Every session is individualized and tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of the students and their preferences.
These classes will help students be ready for the AP Computer Science A exam. Depending on the needs and preferences of the students, classes will incorporate exploring computing in context, learning to build upon existing code using appropriate programming language constructs, and developing problem-solving abilities; tasks will include finding alternative approaches for solving a problem, modifying existing code, and solving new problems. Lessons will review and solidify main concepts such as classes, inheritance, interfaces, and other object-oriented concepts pulled from the AP Computer Science A outline. Almost each lesson will include a mini quiz containing AP Computer Science test styled questions.
With small classes (not more than 6 students in a group), teachers find an individualized approach to each student, so that every session is tailored to the individual needs of each group member.
What Makes LMLC Right for You?
What can we provide?:
• New skills
• Challenging programs for advanced students
• Homework assistance
• Grade improvement
• Test preparation
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